Distributing leadership for scaling up evidence-based innovation in LMICs: a case for leadership development in IndiaGraeme Currie, Kamal Gulati, Dimitrios Spyridonidis, Sridhar Vaitheswaran
25 March 2021
Speaking truth to power: why leaders cannot hear what they need to hearMegan Reitz, John Higgins
29 October 2020
Assessing leadership in junior resident physicians: using a new multisource feedback tool to measure Learning by Evaluation from All-inclusive 360 Degree Engagement of Residents (LEADER)Aleem Bharwani, Dana Swystun, Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Chad G Ball, Lloyd A Mack, Aliya Kassam
7 December 2020
National Health Service (NHS) trust boards adopt statistical process control reporting: the impact of the Making Data Count Training ProgrammeSamantha Riley, Anna Burhouse, Thomas Nicholas
30 April 2021
Women in surgery: a systematic review of 25 yearsCharleen Singh, Caitlin Loseth, Noordeen Shoqirat
20 October 2020
Leading the spread and adoption of innovation at scale: an Academic Health Science Network’s perspectiveAndrew Walker, Catherine Dale, Natasha Curran, Annette Boaz, Michael V Hurley
4 December 2020
Leadership reflections a year on from the rapid roll-out of virtual clinics due to COVID-19: a commentaryAnthony W Gilbert, Lucy Davies, John Doyle, Saroj Patel, Luke Martin, Deepak Jagpal, Joe C T Billany, John Bateson
26 May 2021
Insights from behavioural economics for effective leadership during the pandemicJanet Schwartz, Aline Holzwarth
22 February 2021
Realist analysis of streaming interventions in emergency departmentsMohammed Rashidul Anwar, Brian H Rowe, Colleen Metge, Noah D Star, Zaid Aboud, Sara Adi Kreindler
24 February 2021
Evidence-based medical leadership development: a systematic reviewOscar Lyons, Robynne George, Joao R Galante, Alexander Mafi, Thomas Fordwoh, Jan Frich, Jaason Matthew Geerts
16 November 2020